Sunday, March 24, 2013

Boot camp Day two!

Day two of self-care is upon me. Late last night, my lovely parents offered to drive two hours to meet me for lunch today. So the first awesome things about today was that they brought me back my sweet, sweet kitty girl. I haven't seen her in about a month, and I missed her greatly. I'm glad to have her back, but sad that she'll need to go stay with my parents again soon.

We went to a place called Shipyard,where I effectively convinced them that today didn't need to be their alcohol-free day. You're welcome, parents! Here's my brother and my mom :)

I'm so lucky to have such a warm and caring family. It's a bonus that they're also super funny. I'm glad that Jessica got to come with us. So is Matthew, because he is relishing the opportunity to recruit Jessica to the "make Zach come back to swords" team. And here's a picture of someone's beer!

It was so lovely to have hugs from my parents. Sometimes it's just what you need.

After lunch, there was a tornado warning and the weather got crazy. So of course Jessica and I drove around in it, to get her reconnected with keys, car, and apartment. And then I interrupted whatever Alicia was planning on doing today, and forced her to come paint pottery with me. Hello artistic requirement number 1!

It didn't cheer me up as much as I was hoping that it would, but who knows how I would have felt if I hadn't done it. And, when I pick up my sunny yellow and orange mug in a week, I know it will make me smile. And I know thinking of my lovely Alicia will make me smile, as it always does.

I always tell my clients that there is a delicate balance that needs to be struck between distracting yourself by doing fun things, and letting yourself wallow and be sad for a little while. The second part is what I have trouble with, so I'm hoping that today I will just let it go and be really upset. I'm truly thankful and grateful for the friends and family that I have, and for the resilience that I've always had, but I'm also very worried about losing the love of my life and not knowing where my career is going next. And when I say it's OK to be upset about those things, I don't really believe it, but I'm hoping I can prove it to myself.

1 comment:

  1. I really respect what you're doing. Wrestle with it. You're in the thick of it.
