Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Literary Hangover

I have a book hangover. I also have another book boyfriend.

I recently finished a book, Dragonfly in Amber, that I've been meaning to read for eons. It's the second book in a series, of which I read the first book in 2010. Now that I'm finished the second book and chomping at the bit for the third, I have no idea how I waited so long. I asked my sister for the third book in the series, vastly underestimating my reading abilities, and so I can't go get it for myself.

My new book boyfriend is a Scottish highlander named James Fraser. Jamie falls in love with the main character, named Claire!, who is originally from the 20th century, but got in a snafu with a fairy stone circle in Scotland (like Stone Henge). It's an awesome book with a dash of fantasy, adventure, comedy, and a whole ton of romance. Total guilty pleasure, I highly recommend it to anyone who doesn't think romance books are cheesy. This one's got enough other stuff to balance it. Intrigue! Mystery! Action!

If a client came to me and told me they were spending as much time thinking about a book as I am spending thinking about this book recently, I would be worried. It's a book hangover. I'm not ready to leave that world yet!  Only great books have you sobbing with reckless abandon late at night. (The Book Thief was the last one to do that to me.)

My book boyfriends to date, in no particular order.
1) Ronald Weasley, Harry Potter Series
2) John Galt  Atlas Shrugged,
3) James Fraser, Outlander Series (my current book boyfriend, and for five more books, no less!)
4) Mr. Rochester, Jane Eyre
5) Richard Zeeman, Anita Blake series (another guilty pleasure, complete with vampires.)


  1. Haaaa, I've read Highlander! I don't remember why I stopped reading them tho - I'm pretty sure the second one was out when I was reading it.

    Hrmm. Reread time?

  2. The second one was out in the early nineties, girl,now there's seven of them! And an eighth next year!
