Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why I love My family

Just in case you can't read my writing...

1. When going on anything that slightly resembles a vacation, all five of us dilligently yell like Tarzan for the entirety of one breath. The Lawrance Family Camping Cry (camping not necessary).
2. My mother narrated the dog's life... as the dog's inner monologue.
3. If my dad doesn't feel like conversing, he'll answer everything with "me arse." IF he answers.
4. My dog is afraid of my brother's sneezes (ONLY his). So now he prefaces his sneezes with "Sorry, Grace!"
5. It doesn't work? Unplug it and plug it back in. 42 times.
6. My parents frequently slow dance in the kitchen (they're so gross).
7. If my mom ever says anything that's trendy or current, she immediately ruins it by announcing "See!? I'm jiggy!"
8. My little sister when through a phase where she said "Ham and cheese!" instead of "I love you!"
9. When my mom would give me leftovers for school lunch, she would pack two extra portions for my friends. If she didn't, I wouldn't have gotten to eat because her cooking is so delicious it was always usurped from me.
10. (not included in the original, but who lists only 9 things??) My parents share a Facebook account, and will sometimes comment on my things - first a sweet one from my mother and then a sarcastic one from my father... back and forth and black and forth... from the same Facebook account.

Also if anyone ( and by anyone I mean Zach and/or Adrienne) knows how I can make that picture flip right side up, i would be much obliged)